  • Welcome
  • Initial Screening
  • Start Tool
  • Physician Type
  • Seizure Type
  • Epilepsy Duration
  • Seizure Frequency
  • Seizure Severity
  • Antiepileptic Drug Trials
  • Antiepileptic Side Effects
  • Investigations
  • Results


We would like to greatfully acknowledge the organizations that provided funding for this project:


Roberts JI, Hrazdil C, Wiebe S, Sauro K, Vautour M, Wiebe N and Jetté N.  Neurologists’ knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy surgery: A national survey. (in press Neurology).

Roberts JI, Hrazdil C, Wiebe S, Sauro K, Hanson A, Federico P, Pillay N, Murphy W, Vautour M and Jetté N. Feasibility of using an online tool to assess appropriateness for an epilepsy surgery evaluation. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25107882

Jetté N, Reid A and Wiebe S.  Surgical management of epilepsy.  CMAJ 2014 Jun 9 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24914117